12| Mirror


Hum fire darbadar apne Aks ki Talash Mein, jab zaka Aaine mein mile Apne hi parchhayi mein.


Garvi's POV

Bhai Jaan kept me in the bathtub and said lovingly caressing my head, "Shona take a shower and come outside."

I just nodded my head and he walked outside before closing the door.

I glanced at the ceiling and more tears spilt out of my eyes, I was able to feel Hukum's hands all over my body but I didn't feel any bad about it.

"Why?" A low sob left my lips, I wasn't feeling any disgust, I would be lying to myself If I said I didn't like his touch, his hands all over my skin, touching me so smoothly, so carefully.

A tingling sensation ran through the edge of my toe travelling through my legs and hitting the exact point that made my legs shake violently and my head fell back in sensation, feeling something so unknown in between my legs.

"Hukum," my lips trembled as his exquisitely sculptured face came in front of my eyes, his perfectly shaped eyes, sharp stares, those thin lips, I didn't find any word to describe his beauty.

How could a man be more beautiful than a woman? I was sure if I stood in front of him I would look dull.

I moved my hands on my legs and a low whimper left my mouth, "Ahh...

I travelled my fingers on the exact path where his fingers were touching me earlier and electric jolts ran through my whole body.

My body was reacting in the way it never did, what was happening to me?

I was clueless about the feelings I was getting but whatever it was feeling was so cereal to my soul.

I trailed my fingers towards my chest and touched my nipples, they weren't soft anymore, they were hard as marble balls.

I tried to soothe them but because of the sensations, they pained a lot, "Ahhh.

I left them and moved my hand all over my body wiping the haldi from my skin, my fingers moved downward almost ready to touch my clothed dripping core but his image flashed in front of me and I abruptly halted.

"How could I?"

Wasn't I betraying the man with whom I was going to get married? Tomorrow it's my marriage and I am thinking about someone who is forbidden for me, for any common person.

How could I think about Hukum?

I felt disgusted with my own thoughts, when did I become like this?

I got up from the tub and stripped my clothes before standing under a cold shower to let myself realize what mistake I had made.

Dadi Sa told me the Royal family is like God to us and how could I make such a thought about him?

I told myself the man about whom I was thinking wasn't for me, I was going to get married to his servant and I could not dream about a king.

My heart calmed down after a long fifteen minutes and I immediately wiped my body before wearing decent clothes.

I came out of the bathroom to see Bhai Jaan arranging a plate of food and my stomach growled in hunger.

I ran towards him and took a seat beside him, before grabbing a plate and hurriedly eating the food.

"Slow down Shona there is no hurry."

He said but I ignored his words and stuffed the rice in my mouth, Dadi Sa didn't let me eat anything from morning and I just couldn't control my hunger.

I noticed from the corner of my eyes that Bhai Jaan was staring at me, I lifted my eyes and forwarded a bite towards him, too my shock he happily ate it, of course, he too wouldn't have eaten anything.

I fed him and myself and in the end, we were finished my stomach was too full.

"I ate too much Bhai Jaan," I complained and got on the bed before pulling the duvet.

I saw he was thinking something and didn't reply to me so I called him, "Bhai Jaan!!"


"Is everything all right?"

He smiled and came towards the bed and got inside the duvet before pulling me near his chest.

"Everything is alright...I was just thinking about tomorrow."

My face fell and I bit my lower lip, It would be the first time I would get out of this house, away from the people whom I loved.

Would I survive outside?

"Do you.....like Araysh?"

I lifted my eyes to look at him and saw his guilt-filled eyes staring at me.

Why guilt?

I nodded my head with a smile and his tense muscles loosened around my body, he pecked my forehead and whispered, "You Know I love you Shona, and I won't think anything bad for you."

I heard his words and nodded my head with a smile, undoubtedly I trusted him, more than anyone and I would trust him no matter what.

"Would you promise me one thing? And in return, I will tell you something."

I hummed and he said, "No matter what happened You won't get up from marriage Alter."

My brows furrowed in confusion thinking why I would get up from my own marriage, but I immediately told him, "I won't I promise."

I heard him inhale sharply and I realized he was going to say something, so serious.

Little did I know what he was going to tell me maybe the thing for which I waited so long.


Author's POV

The whole Rathod family was sitting in the living room sharing an evening tea but not with love or companionship just a ritual.

Everyone was busy in their world, and as always the atmosphere was not filled with a friendly essence but inaudible whispers of poisonous conspiracy.

Aarartika pinched her husband Baldev who immediately understood what she meant.

"So how much money you are spending on the marriage of a mere servant Masa?" Baldev asked making his father frown.

Digvijay glared at him and said, "Now You will question your mother, You didn't like it just ignored the way we are doing it."

Baldev realized and answered, "No Baba Sa I wasn't questioning her."

"That's better for you son, I raised you so don't teach me what to do and not." Ratnamala Devi said with a smile and glanced at her younger son Harshvardhan.

"Where is Rudra? he asked Araysh to come to the office even after knowing that tomorrow that poor boy was going to get married."

"I don't know Masa," Harshvardhan answered.

Abhiraj who heard it averted his eyes forcefully from his wife who was trembling under his gaze and answered, "Dadi Sa He had some-

His words were cut off hearing a servant's voice who called his grandfather in a scared tone, "Bade Hukum, Kunwar Sa."

All of them abruptly got up and gasped seeing the destroyer standing at the door in his all glory.

His once neatly pressed yellow Kurta, painted with blood stains with a pinch of haldi of her name still showed traces on his body.

His thin lips were adorned with a beautiful smile even after shedding so much blood.

He carved his name as truly a destroyer and there was no doubt to anyone after seeing his appearance.

A normal human could never appear like this, would he?

"Bring the water!!" Digvijay shouted and Royal Servents immediately lined up one after another passing water-filled pots and pouring them on that stained soul, but if they knew they could just wash out those traces of sin from the flesh what about the spirit?

He closed his eyes as the water landed on his body wiping everything even the feel of her touch that lingered into the traces of that used haldi he rubbed on his cheek from the back of her palm.

But he let it wash, with no intention of stopping the servents from pouring the water on his stained body.

The cold water flowed through his all sins and took them with itself, trying to wash the darkness that lingered with his presence.

His hawk-like stares moved on all his family members and halted at the particular face, his grandfather.

Digvijay gritted his teeth and ordered to the servants, "Close all the doors of the palace, I don't want a single whisper to get out of this palace."

An amusing chuckle left his mouth and he tilted his head before moving his fingers through his wet beard and mocked, "How many times you would hide? Deewaron ke bhi Kaan hote hai Mr Rathod."

(Walls to have ears, Mr Rathod)

Baldev gulped knowing for whom that taunt was, but this time he was too traumatized to say anything.

He thought today Rudra Pratap Singh Rathod's chapter would be closed forever, after all, he had planned it so deliberately but How he came out alive of trap of almost 100 professional killers.

His eyes fell on his elder son Abhiraj and his red eyes told him he understood everything.

Digvijay didn't answer him and turned towards his wife who had tears in her eyes, "Aur Kariye pyaar, He is just a stain on humanity and the name of Rathod clan."

(Love him more, he is just a stain on humanity and the name of Rathod clan)

Ratnamala Devi lifted her shock-filled eyes to look at her husband, whose eyes were seething in anger.

She knew Digvijay loves Rudra but never liked his abnormal actions and behaviour but it was the first time he called him like that and it was not good sign at all.

Rudra didn't pay attention to their debate and walked straight towards his bedroom while Araysh tailed behind his Hukum as always.

He even forgot that the next day it was his marriage, and a girl was getting ready to marry him with so much hope in her eyes for a happy married life.

He knew the first priority anyone had in his life was his Hukum then others in those others his wife was also included, it never mattered what cost he would have to pay to prove his loyalty at his Hukum's worst, he would do it.

Rudra indirectly entered his room and walked near a bar before grabbing the twenty-year-old Aglianico and directly thrusting it in his mouth.



He cut off Araysh and ordered before moving towards the room he just created for her.

To admire her beauty and to keep vowing delusions in the world of her.

Araysh followed him blindly not knowing the heartbreak waiting for him.

Rudra grabbed the whiteboard and paint brush before starting to paint the beautiful sight he witnessed today while moistening the dryness of his throat.

He was really living those moments feeling her scent around himself while pasting her on that whiteboard and bringing her shadow to life.

"How much you respect me Araysh?"

Aryash was shocked hearing his question but he answered what his true emotions were, "I can degrade myself Hukum to prove my respect for you."

A small smile formed on Rudra's lips and he kept moving that brush so smoothly.

"What if I asked for your life to prove your loyalty?"

"I won't think twice," Araysh immediately answered he didn't even take a mini second to think.

Rudra halted for a second but again continued his work, "You promised me you would find my queen, would you?"

Aryash was shocked hearing his words, he was engaged to Tara then why? But he was no one to question his Hukum and answered, "I will Hukum."

"Don't you want to see My Queen?" Rudra admired the portrait that was almost looking alive and moved his bloodied knuckles on her hair feeling her partition.

He got aside and ordered with a wide smile, "Look Ahead."

Araysh hesitantly lifted his eyes and his pupils widened in horror, he didn't know what he felt but chills ran down his whole body and his heart ached so terribly.

Reality struck him hard and he immediately lowered his eyes feeling horrible heartbreak.

"My Queen," Rudra muttered with a smitten smile and gulped the red wine feeling so good after drawing her face for the first time.

"What do you want me to do Hukum?" His lips trembled to utter those words but he knew she wasn't a simple girl get if she caught his Hukum's eyes.

Rudra smiled and took a seat moving his slender fingers on that old wine bottle and answered, "Marry Her."

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